7 News Belize

At Least Two Passport Fraudulently Issued Based On Fake Birth Certificates
posted (September 25, 2024)
Tonight, the Vital Statistics Unit is under scrutiny after it was revealed that fake birth certificates were used to perpetrate passport fraud.

7news has confirmed that the use of fake birth certificates has resulted in the issuance of at least two fake passports to persons born in the US. Those passports have now been cancelled. Reports say fake social security cards were also issued based on these fake birth certificates.

And, the Vital Statistics Unit is confirming that they are indeed fake. A press release this evening says Police have been investigating and, quote, "None of these documents were issued or printed by the V.S.U. This was confirmed by our IT Department, which scrubbed the documents to determine whether they were generated from the V.S.U. System."

The release adds, quote, "Persons are being interviewed, statements have been given, and charges are forthcoming."

But, in the meantime the release says "The V.S.U., Ministry of Immigration and the Social Security Board assure the Belizean public that further measures have been taken to preserve the integrity of the systems in place."

Reports say the fake birth certificates used to process these two passports were obtained for five thousand dollars each.

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