7 News Belize

Police Launching Investigation Into Allowed 16 Year Old To Drive Motorcycle
posted (September 25, 2024)
And yesterday we told you about the four teenagers who were killed in separate motorcycle accidents over the last two weeks. The most recent victim was a 16 year old - who was not even old enough to have a driver's license. Today the ComPol told us that they have regular checkpoints and patrols to check for those very same things, and in this case, they are investigating who permitted the teenager to drive the motorcycle.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Those are things that the police do regularly on the highways and in the municipalities. I had directed the Western Regional Commander to look more into the matter with the 16 year old, I am upset over it. The 16 year old ought not to be driving or riding a motorcycle so I told her to look to see who gave the 16 year old the motorcycle to ride and that person must be held to account because the law is that if you allow a person who is not the holder of a driver's license to drive a motor vehicle then they commit an offense so whoever gave him that motorcycle to ride must be held to account."

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