7 News Belize

Social Partners Want Freedom Of Information From Cordel And Kevin
posted (September 25, 2024)
The government says it has already turned the corner on the 6.9 million dollar land purchase for the Belmopan Tertiary Hospital, but the social partners are just fully getting involved.

On September 20th, the Belize Chamber of Commerce, the Belize Network of NGO's, the National Trade Union congress of Belize and the Belize council of Churches sent a Freedom of Information request to the Minister of Natural Resources and the Minister of Health and Wellness.

They are asking Minister Hyde for all information related to the purchase of two parcels of land from Kenny Zheng and Annie Zhu.

And they ask Kevin Bernard for a copy of the much discussed technical report and the minutes of the Working Group's meetings related to the Hospital.

They write, quote, "The Social Partners of Belize are committed to transparency and accountability, and we believe that the requested information is crucial to our understanding of the processes and decisions that affect the socio-economic development of our Nation." End quote.

Under the law, the Government has two weeks to provide the documents.

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