7 News Belize

Major Crime Down But Public Perception Of Insecurity Up
posted (September 25, 2024)
And the poll didn't only sample political perceptions. One of the questions asked to the interviewees was about their greatest concern.

33.1% of them said crime is #1, which is an increase from 2017, when it was 24%. But the ComPol has said that major crime is down, so why do people feel less safe? We asked for his view.

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"It's natural, people feel fear for different reasons and from a law enforcement standpoint we have to look at it objectively. We know that we are not and will never do all we can to keep people or to make people feel as safe as they would want to be."

"But if we were to judge by how people behave, you would think that they are safe because you see them go into every event that are held. You don't see people staying in, they are always out celebrating."

"So that goes to show that sometimes they are not really afraid. They just tend to, for the spur of the moment, say that they are fearful of certain things. And again when you look at the trending of social media now as opposed to before, more and more people have a phone in their hands."

"And on that phone they get all the information with the touch of a finger. So there are more privy information now than back in those days, 2017, 2018. And with more information coming to you about crime now than before, then certainly you will feel that crime is up because you are getting more information now."

"From my standpoint as a Commissioner of Police, I don't think you have had a Commissioner who has been so open to the media, sharing with you everything that I can share with you. In the past Commissioners were mute, so they don't know what happens in the Police Department."

"I have tried my best to be accountable to you all, or to the public through you all and sharing information in terms of what happens. So all of those things would tend to lead towards people having that sense that you know what, crime is up."

"We have a weekly press brief with you and the media, sometimes two times a week we share information with you about crime. And for me it is important to share this information because when you hide crime, you make the public more unsafe."

"When you broadcast crime, it makes the public know that certain things are happening and they can put things in place to make sure that they don't become a victim of crime. So that is how I see it and that is the reason why I would never hide crime from the public or the media."

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