7 News Belize

Demand For Utility Services Driven By Climate Change
posted (September 25, 2024)
A big part of that growth was strong activity form the water and electricity utilities where demand for locally produced power and water was driven by a very warm summer:

Christopher Hulse, Statistician II
"During the second quarter, we had the load shedding. So there was a decrease in imported electricity, which led to a rise in local production, as it was coupled with peak demand surges, with May being the highest on record for demand."

"So this led to a significant 35.5% increase in electricity production from 92.5,000 megawatt hours to 125.3,000 megawatt hours in quarter two of 2024. From 669.8 million gallons of water consumed in quarter two of 2023, that went up to 820.6 millions of gallons used in quarter two of 2024."

"And again, we stated that during that quarter, we were still in that intense heat. So naturally, the hotter it is, we will have spikes in water consumption. And we also see some expansions in water infrastructure."

"So we have an increase of 22.5%."

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