7 News Belize

New LicenseTo Be Based On "Productive Space"
posted (September 27, 2024)
But in the question and answer session, some dissenting views about the administration of the current tax regime were raised.

One of them by a baker who challenged the idea a trade license for an industrial bakery - only to be told that he would now be taxed based on what is called productive space:

Ariel Santana, La Popular Bakery
"But at the factory, we do not trade. I repeat, why I should pay."

Clifford King, Director of Local Government
"The definition in the legislation is referring to your productive space. That area that you're talking about is not exempted. It's not exempted. That's part of your productivity of your business. Now the storeroom that you have there, that you store your products or your inputs for your business, that is not assessed. So what this new regime is doing is going to move away from assessing your entire space."

"You will have to now along with the, and if you have doubts you come to the trade board or come to the assessors and you say, let's look at my business and let us determine what is the productive space of my business. That if you have a legal issue with that, the law is giving you recourse to apply and appeal against that."

Ariel Santana, La Popular Bakery
"Well, I have written so many times, Mr. Troy knows that. Even I have got my lawyer to send letters and whatever, and no answer. And this is for the past two years."

Clifford King, Director of Local Government
"That's another matter. But I'm just saying to you from the definition of productive space, that would be considered as part of your productive space. But what is exempted would be those common areas, your store room, your parking lot. Those no will not be assessed as they currently are for trade licensing."

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