7 News Belize

No Bail For Aunt Who Brought 10 Year Old Niece Into Porn Video
posted (October 2, 2024)
Tonight, a 21 year old student is in prison on remand, after she made her 10 year old niece perform sex acts on her - and captured it on video.

The Gales Point woman - whose name or image we will not share because it could lead to the identity of the child - is charged with making child pornography and sexual assault of a 10 year old girl.

As it was explained in court, the accused made a child pornography video showing the child engaged in explicit sexual activity and intentionally made the 10 year old child touch her genitals.

The Police Prosecutor objected to bail, asking the court to take into consideration that it is a fear that Welch might interfere with the victim.

When asked why the court should consider offering her bail, the accused - who was unrepresented - had nothing to say, only that she had no objection. And so the Magistrate denied her bail and she was remanded into custody at the Belize Central Prison until November 29, 2024.

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