7 News Belize

Woman Ran Out Of Her House To Escape Home Invader
posted (October 7, 2024)
At the top of the news we told you about the home invasion experienced by Flowayne Colon.

Well, she wasn't the only woman to experience the terror of a stranger in her home over the weekend. A 24 year old resident of Lord's Bank was awakened at 5:00 am on Saturday morning by a man who got into her house and attacked. She had to fight him off and run out of her own house to scream for help. Police told us more:

ACP Hilberto Romero, OC Eastern division
"Upon the arrival Shania Jorgensen reported she was at home when she noticed that someone was inside her house. There was a struggle with the male person who then inflicted injuries to Jorgensen with a knife and some scratches. Thera after the male person fled from the area as the complaint came out on the street to ask for help. An investigation is carried out and Phillip Guzman is wanted for aggravated assault."

Guzman remains at large.

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