7 News Belize

UDP Resolution Softens Up Leader's Stance On Taiwan
posted (October 8, 2024)
And while Barrow lends no credence whatsoever to the October. 20th convention, he has softened his hardline on Taiwan. In the most recent house meeting he did the unthinkable when he abstained from voting on a resolution supporting Belize's friendship with Taiwan.

He also criticized the island nation for politically financing the PUP - both directly and indirectly in the last municipal election.

But, the UDP's National Party Council last week passed a resolution recognizing Taiwan.

It says, quote, "The National Party Council reaffirms its gratitude to the Republic of China(Taiwan) and celebrates 35 years of strong Diplomatic Relations between our Nations."

We asked Barrow if he's being one of those acrobats who flips and reverses his position:

"Taiwan the resolution of the NPC in relation to that can you explain how that proceeded because obviously your statements in relation to Taiwan are on the record."

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"Yes if you go back to the interviews that we did at the house I made it explicitly clear that I abstained because the party had not met on the matter and had not thoroughly ventilated the matter and that I serve the party as party leader and if it is that my colleagues have the majority support for Taiwan that I will be accordingly guided and so in discussing the matter with colleagues it was clear that the majority while people understood the complaints that they had as far as interfering in our democracy and the millions of dollars from an NGO to the prime ministers family etc they still felt grateful as the motion says for all that Taiwan has done for both UDP and PUP governments in the benefit of the Belizean people and so I respect the wishes of my colleagues."

Jules Vasquez
"So if the Taiwan resolution were just now being brought before the house being that your party is in favor of fraternal relations with Taiwan would you then change your position."

"Were it brought back would you now change your position?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"My vote would be yes to reflect what the majority of my colleagues want."

Jules Vasquez
"You would not abstain?"

Shyne Barrow, Leader of the Opposition
"No no no."

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