7 News Belize

Healing The Healers At Nursing Oncology Conference
posted (October 10, 2024)

Over 100 nurses gathered at the Biltmore this morning to partake in a first of its kind "Nursing Oncology Conference" They engaged in meaningful discussions led by other experts and professionals in the oncology field on how they can improve their care to cancer patients - and get them through what can be a dark valley. Jomarie Lanza was there and here's what she saw.

The Belize Cancer Center Dangriga, in partnership with the Cancer Society hosted its first nursing oncology conference under the theme " Connecting the dots from prevention to survivorship." It provided attendees with a space to share and connect with other nurses who work within the field of oncology. Nurse Dellone Pascascio, who assisted in organizing the event, explained the importance of bringing this part of the nursing community together.

Dellone Pascascio, CEO, Belize Cancer Center Dangriga
"We actually planned and designed this two day conference in order to create this dialogue and improve the network between nurses it is actually a nursing conference planned for nurses by nurses. It was very deliberate and very specific because we wanted to make sure that we start connecting nurses across the country the reality is patients will tumble into the health care system where they live. They no longer come to Belize city because they need cancer care they can go to any one of the regional hospitals. But what we have is a shortage of nurses who are competent and feel comfortable taking care of those patients in those areas so the purpose of this is to help to improve their skills increase their confidence, provide quality care to patients and make sure that we have access to some or the primary services that patients will need no matter where in the system that they touch down."

Nursing itself can be quite a challenge, and it's even more so providing primary care and services to patients diagnosed with cancer, in addition to walking their loved ones through the process of treatment and remission. Dr Ellsworth Grant says that the purpose of this conference is to shed some light on this aspect of nursing.

Dr Ellsworth Grant, Director, Belize Cancer Center Dangriga
"I think you know there is education which is primarily bringing everyone up to date with the latest nursing practices and procedures in caring for patients. I think treating people with cancer can be very stressful and as well there is the basic science part of all of what we do but then there is also the mental health aspect side of taking care of people not only patients but also the mental health of the providers and I think sometimes that stress that occurs in the job is last and taken for granted but it is a stressful position you know to give yourself to someone and to bare some of their pain and be that pillar of comfort for the patient as well as the family."

And some of today's objectives are meant to do exactly that: Provide the support, resources, and space for these nurses to open up, share their thoughts and concerns with other nurses who endure similar emotions on the job when caring for those with cancer.

Dellone Pascascio, CEO, Belize Cancer Center Dangriga
"It's one or those evolving thoughts that we have not given a lot of resources to because mental health really is kind of crowded right now with the patients who need mental health and we sometimes often forget that the stress of the work the constant loss of life takes a toll on the patients and families as well. I think it is something that must be considered in the future to provide nurses with that safe place where they can go and they can decompress and kind of let their hair down and get comfort from each other and today in our sessions one of the sessions is the subject dedicated to nurses taking care of themselves. It's called relax, refresh, revive and it's intended solely to help the nurses create better tools in their tool box so that when they need to call on that tool because things have happened that are overwhelming, that they are able to have the resources to step away and survive."

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