7 News Belize

NTUCB Disagrees With An Auditor General On Contract
posted (October 11, 2024)
We also asked Martinez as a labour leader about government's plan to hire a new Auditor General on a contract basis. It's a constitutionally enshrined post and filling it with a contract officer does not bode well for independence. Here's what Martinez had to say:

Luke Martinez, President NTUCB
"So the quicker the government ensures that we have a competent auditor general the better it's going to be for us right so we will see the results quicker."

Jules Vasquez
"But do you agree in principle with having a constitutionally enshrined post filled with a contract officer?"

Luke Martinez, President NTUCB
"So that is something that we are exploring as a matter of fact you'll see the national trade union congress popping up with several interest groups and so we are mounting support to get the feedback from other interest groups including our social partners to wrap our heads around this and to see what is going to best fit how we will get all of this done we know that the previous auditor general was pushing for an auditor general app and pushing for autonomy. We are saying sometimes how of course the autonomy is important because you can't audit yourself. As is right now the government is auditing itself how it is structured so it comes right back to the governance structure. How we strengthen the governance structure collectively to ensure that it works for us right until then it won't work out brother it's not working out for us."

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