7 News Belize

New May Exhibit Is About More Than Artifacts
posted (October 17, 2024)

Yesterday we showed you the remarkable Wind Jewels now on display at the Museum of Belize. They are the centerpiece attractions in a new exhibit called "Maya Creating Civilization".

But they are just one part of a major show that takes a new approach at engaging viewers. Jules Vasquez was at the launch:

It's not everyday you see the Governor General in an animated discussion. - but such is the excitement attending the Maya Creating Civilization exhibit.

There was sacred smoke,


the national anthem in Q'eqchi

And a state level ribbon cutting.

All to underscore the opening of a major exhibit that follows up on the two previous Maya Masterpiece shows at the Museum.

But this one focuses not only on spectacular artifacts like these wind jewels, but also investigates agricultural practices and offers interactive exhibits:

Ilona Smiling, Director - Museum of Belize
"Our goal with this exhibit is to push the boundaries of what exhibitions in Belize can be. We're moving away from static, crowded spaces and inviting you into a more open, reflective environment where each artifact has the space to breathe and tell its story."

And the stories do fascinate. And reveal entire worlds to young students:

Francis Fonseca, Minister of Culture
"It's about accessibility, obviously education asI mentioned in my remarks, tying culture, education, technology that's how we make culture accessible to everyone."

To engage young minds, it meant doing more than just going into the dungeon at the Institute of Archeology to showcase the most exquisite artifacts.

Ilona Smiling, Director - Museum of Belize
"This exhibit is truly the result of collaboration. The institute of archaeology has not only contributed their expertise in preserving and presenting these priceless artifacts, but also continues to grow and develop in the field of digitizing these artifacts."

The digitized artifacts do bring them to life in a new way.

Akirah August, Research and Enforcement - IOA
"The institute of archaeology embarked on a new project of digital archaeology where we use photogrammetry and lira to create 3-D models and 3-D images of our artifacts and of our monuments."

"We have a created a new world for digital archaeology, we have created a new era where everybody will have, who is. not accessible to seeing these artifacts at our sites or seeing. These monuments or seeing these stelas or even the east frieze up close can be able to ahem it accessible on their phones, their tablets here at the museum."

And the goal from there is to celebrate and transpose that civilization's spirit of self invention into this century:

Melissa Badillo, Director of Archaeology
"We were challenged in some ways, I think we even challenged ourselves in creating a display that would not only showcase amazing artifacts form he Belize National Collection but that we could create a masterpiece that would highlight and integrate the continuing traditions and practices offer modern maya communities as well as create content that would serve as an integral outreach to all Belizean students."

Dame Froyla Tzalam, Governor General
"I would love to see solutions to Belize's problems emanating. Form. Our people, using both western and traidotnalscienes and technologies to create sustainable livelihoods. And in so doing, we are part of the Maya creating civilizations movement."

The exhibit is now opened to the public and the museum is opened Monday to Saturday - with free admission for Belizeans on Saturday.

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