7 News Belize

Tracy Says Shyne Silencing Albert And Collet Voters
posted (October 18, 2024)
And outside the chambers, Panton called it an attack on democracy and a silencing of the voters who elected her and Faber. She also denied Barrow's claims that she has not attended committee meetings - particularly the Joint Public Accounts Committee, which she chairs. But she did point out that the Corozal North rep, Hugo Patt - who has now been assigned the vacant committee seats - has been missing from all JPAC meetings.

Tracy Panton, Area Rep., Albert
"It is an attack on democracy, it is a travesty and a black eye delivered by one man. I said in my presentation that we are elected to sit in this House to be the voice for the voiceless and when you remove from being a part of the socioeconomic framework that includes coming up with laws and making decisions in the interest of the Belizean people, do you know what happens in effect? You silent the Belizeans people who don't have a voice. There is no place for a dictatorship in a democracy and what we witnessed just a few minutes ago is a clear indication that we're moving towards a dictatorship if we allow this to prevail."

"The records are here at the National Assembly and I urge you to ask for, and you can, it's public record. I've had 14 meetings of JPAC, more than any administration has ever held on both sides of the political divide. We've had three public hearings and I have had to be present at all meetings. I don't take my roll as a representative frivolously, it's an important function of our democracy. And so, as I said, the records are here at the National Assembly. The only time I've had to absent myself from a committee meeting is when I was incapacitated because of surgery so that has been the only time in 2 terms that I have not been able to sit on a House Committee meeting. The staff who helps to facilitate those meetings will tell you, I've been patched in by Zoom, I've been. Patched in by phone, I have written my concerns if I have any on any particular piece of legislation so that is an outright lie."

"I know that Mr Patt sits on the JPAC with me, he's the second member of the opposition to do so. He has not attended one of the 14 meetings that I have convened or the three public hearings that we have held."

So why didn't she and Faber vote "no" to the motion - which would've given them the majority? She says she doesn't want to give Barrow any more ammunition.

Courtney Menzies:
"Why didn't you vote no?"

Tracy Panton, Area Rep., Albert
"Because the Leader of the Opposition is waiting for us to cross the floor, if you will. And had we not abstained, because I didn't vote yes, and had we not abstained, it would have been grounds to say we have crossed the floor and he is trying everything in his power to have us removed from the National Assembly, irrespective of the fact that it's the people of Albert and the people of Collet sent us here."

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