7 News Belize

People's Constitutional Commission In Final Stages
posted (November 13, 2024)
The People's Constitutional Commission has received a first draft of the final report of recommendations. The 26 page document is being reviewed and will be made into a final report for presentation to the government.

For that, they had to get an extension which was approved in the house yesterday.

The Minister of Constitutional and Political reform gave us an update:

Henry Charles Usher, Minister of the Public Service
"They asked for an extension and they were granted that extension in the House yesterday. It was passed unanimously for an extension of a further six months for a drafting of the report. For our representatives, we know that all the raw data that was accumulated from all of the consultations, that is in place right now, they're putting together that data, they're giving stakeholders to respond and comment on that data before they prepare the final report. The reason why they asked for the extension is because the deadline to submit the report would have been November the 17th, which is this weekend, and they would not have had enough time to go back to the stakeholders and prepare the report, so it was felt that it would be better to have full participation of the stakeholders in terms of commenting on the raw data before that report could be submitted so the extension as requested by the chairman was granted. I have to say, there's no other cost that will be coming with this so no other sums of money will need to go to any supplementary appropriation or anything like that."

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