Last week the Ministry of Education launched it's USPACE Initiative at the House of Culture in Orange walk Town. The Purpose of the project is to provide communities with upgraded technology, build their digital skills and learn more about Belize's culture and heritage with the help of these resources. Here are the highlights from the launch, and how you can access the USPACE.
Namrita Balani, Director, Science & Tech, MOECST "So USPACE was literally a phone call that we got from UNICEF on how they wanted to create child friendly spaces that was it that was all we were told. We took the idea and it was initially called UZONES but then we renamed it to USPACE and then we said that we wanted it to become a space for the community and then we said we were looking around at where we can do it if we partner up with a school or we partner up with someone else but then we said you know if we want like our ministry names says education, culture, science and Technology, if we want it to all meet we thought the perfect place was to partner with NICH and the houses of culture that's when we started to get in contact with them we told them we want to do this space and we didn't know what we were going to do how we are going to do it and what we were going to get you know we brain stormed and we have a lot of initiatives that we keep launching and some of them some schools are the ones that are pilot schools but other schools get left behind right so for example coding we have 62 primary schools doing code. Org some schools don't have internet connectivity that we can't pilot it you know we have schools that are doing robotics but every school can't get it because a kit costs almost 1500 dollars so we said we needed a space in the community where we can promote all these initiatives and we can equip it with all the technology the internet the kits the chrome books the desktop computers a lego wall for those that are artistic and we need to create that for the community by the community."
Cindy Rivero, Community Arts Coordinator "The USPACE Is created to have the entire community of Orange walk we are targeting both Youths adults Children everyone that is a part of our community because the platforms that you can find in the USPACE are platforms like access 501 the teachers and students can access that portal and get information from the different Belizean icons and a little bit about their bio that sort of information and really assist them in their education purpose then we also have others like the peoples archives the entire community has an opportunity to bring their images that they would want to share you know a story a unique story of you if you are traveling and you see the different Mayan temples and you want to share that those are the platforms that we have that you can have access to and so it is really for the entire community."