In other news, the BDF today had a double Christmas special - their annual luncheon combined with the inauguration of their brand new kitchen.
As you know, at the luncheon, the soldiers are served by those high ranking officers, as well as the Minister of National Defense, and even the prime minister. And while Briceno couldn't stay long, he said that it was important for him to serve the soldiers.
And according to the Brigadier General, their annual luncheon is getting better every year.
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"To me it's very important because these are the men and women who are in the forefront, right in the front facing whatever challenges we may have as a country, be it with the fires, be it with the flooding with hurricanes and storms, fighting at the border, protecting the border and so it is the least I can do is to come
and symbolically serve them some food. Unfortunately I can't be here the entire time, I have to go to another country, so I felt it just to come in and symbolically hand over a few before I leave."
Brig. Gen. Azariel Loria, Commander, BDF
"From the time I knew myself as a cadet this is what was done every year, the Christmas luncheon and it has survived the time. I've been here for more than 30 years and we're still doing it. It's a wonderful tradition and we continue to improve. Before we didn't have the prime minister, before occasionally we used to have the Ministers of Defense but now the tradition is getting better and better, every year it's getting better. We have prime minister Briceno coming for the third or fourth consecutive time. It speaks volumes."
"Unfortunately since I joined the BDF for me, I didn't have the privilege to be served, I have been serving all along because officers and senior NCO's, it's our duty because they serve us all year round so it is only rewarding that we go and serve them at least a meal at this time of the year."
"That kitchen is a godsend, as I mentioned in my speech, we had an old one that the Ministry of Health wanted to close down because it was so unhygienic but with the efforts of the Ministry of National Defense, with us pushing that we needed a new kitchen, that is now a reality. It's a state of the art facility and it will accommodate, if we push, up to 300 soldiers."
Courtney Menzies:
"And you say it's going to be used as a hurricane shelter as well?"
Brig. Gen. Azariel Loria, Commander, BDF
"It could withstand up to a category 5 hurricane, so that could be used as well if needs be."