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City Murders Went Very Low In Latter Part of 2024 - The LIU Effect
Next week the commissioner of police will present his final statistics in the quarterly "Compstat" review.
And certainly one of the most remarkable metrics in the review will be the dramatic decrease in Belize City murders in the last 5 months of 2024.
Yes, there was an extended three month SOE that ended in September, but since August, we have only reported four murders in the city - which is a notable low.
The commendations for this success will inevitably go to policing tactics - but what role did the Leadership Intervention Unit play? That unit is designed specifically to de-escalate gang violence - which - for the time being at least - is at a low. We spoke to the Chairlady today and asked her why LIU gets no love from officialdom:
Jules Vasquez:
"How did LIU view 2024?"
Dominique Noralez, LIU Chairperson
"I think LIU views, well, I know we view it as one of our great successes. We've had our shortcomings. But I think this year has proven to be one of our great successes because of the level of organization that we now have. There is now, a more direct, sort of strategy as to how we work. We make sure that everyone always has access to everyone on the team."
Jules Vasquez:
"Did the LIU's work have a meaningful de-escalating effect on the last six months of 2024?"
Dominique Noralez, LIU Chairperson
"Certainly. There is no doubt in my mind. Because, like I constantly say, when there's a conflict both within gangs and between gangs, it is my team that is called first. And it is only us that people trust with the information that they have."
Jules Vasquez:
"Why isn't anyone else saying, well, we need to thank you for also playing a role in this?"
Dominique Noralez, LIU Chairperson
"I think that just comes down to personalities. The Commissioner of Police is a good colleague of mine. And so, and we've had our disagreements, I think, as most professionals in our working space do. But I like I said, maybe just my leadership style. I don't chase the the praise of others. What matters to me is the people who I serve every day, the people who come to my office, the people whos spouses have been killed the day before their child was born, the young men who come to my office to go back to school, that is what matters most to me. That is what gives me the fulfillment. And like I said you know, in this space where governance..."
There are currently 273 persons on the LIU program who receive a weekly stipend and other support.