But the Commissioner of Police today clarified that it was Shania Dominguez who started the altercation. He explained that her throwing water on her cousin's son could be classified as an assault, and that his mother retaliated based on that.
He also added that Ministerial Driver Paul Ferguson - or Chicken Dread - cannot prevent the police from doing their investigations into the matter.
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I don't know why they call that man Chicken Dread because he doesn't have any dreads. Maybe Chicken Bald Head would be more appropriate. But again we have to be extremely real and honest in terms of what we say to the public. When we give an account of something, we must give the full story. Obviously there is an issue involving that family and it would appear that what triggered the issue might have been something that took place at the Boxing Day Horserace where following that event, the son of Ms Dominguez, the police officer, was burnt with hot water by the relative of the other lady who is complaining. And based on that, she went into the house to see who had thrown the hot water on her son and while she was there, there was a scuffle and the lady got injured. The police again exercising reasonableness and fairness, we decided to look at the issue as a cross complaint. So the fact that Ms Dominguez is a police, Lunette, did not exculpate her from the issue because she was charged with harm and the person who threw the hot water on the child was also charged. So I don't know what else the family expects and this has nothing to do with Chicken Dread or Chicken Bald Head, however you may want to call him, in terms of influencing what the police does. I personally advised the Ladyville police in terms of how to deal with the issue and they dealt with it according to how I had directed."
"Ms Shania is alleging that she did not throw hot water on him and it was just regular water and I believe her main complaint is that more charges should have been levied against them such as burglarizing and breaking into her house."
Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Again whether it's hot or cold water, if you throw water on somebody, it's an assault. They had no right to do that and that is what aggravated the issue. And so we have to be real, they provoked the situation. If you are a mother and you are somewhere and someone from inside a house threw water, whether hot or cold on your child what would be your response? We have to be real. You don't provoke a situation and believe that because another person responded to your provocation then that person must be dealt with how you feel the person must be dealt with. The law must be there to protect people and that is how we execute the law, with a view to protect people."