7 News Belize

Minister Defends Driver Who Was Adjacent To Domestic Dispute
posted (January 8, 2025)
Last Friday we told you about a cousin on cousin dispute that ended with three people being charged with harm. Shania Dominguez told us that her cop cousin, Lunette Dominguez, has been antagonizing her over the land they both live on. The ComPol later said that in this specific incident, Shania Dominguez instigated the altercation by throwing water on her cousin's son.

And in the middle of all this was the Police Minister's driver, Paul Ferguson, otherwise known as Chicken Dread. Ferguson was at Lunette Dominguez's residence on Boxing Day when the incident occurred, and he was reportedly seen driving Kareem Musa's ministerial vehicle.

We asked Musa about it today.

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"First of all, you have to understand when you say Paul Ferguson was involved in a domestic situation, he was not involved in anything. He was at the scene with a friend who was involved, who was allegedly involved. So let's get the facts correct. You have to look at the facts of that case. It is a longstanding rift between, family members, which resulted in one side throwing water, she admitted to throwing water albeit she's saying it wasn't hot. And then the other side reacting. Paul Ferguson being there, I believe was to support his friend. But he did nothing else in terms of intervention, because I feel that the media and this individual who is aggrieved felt that somehow, they wanted to say that that is the reason the person wasn't charged. But the ComPol can tell you we insisted that that officer be charged and was charged with harm, even though it could quite possibly have been a case of defense of others. If someone throws hot water on your family member and you react, that is that could be defense of others, which is a full legal defense. But in this particular case, it was important that the officer also be charged so that that matter can be properly ventilated before the courts. Paul Ferguson has access to the motor vehicle. He is my driver, so I don't see what that issue is."

Jules Vasquez:
"But should he have exercised discretion in the use of the ministerial vehicle when he knows that you're entering as an outsider into a thorny situation."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"So how is he supposed to get from point A to point B is what I'm saying."

Jules Vasquez:
"Well, his ride is- but it's the state that's paying for that."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I agree, but I work on weekends as well, Mr. Vasquez, so he has that vehicle to pick me up to take me to-."

Jules Vasquez:
"That's not his personal vehicle."

Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"It's not his personal vehicle, I agree, I agree with you."

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