Chang's former opponent in Caribbean Shores, Kareem Musa had an interesting take on the UDP infighting today:
Jules Vasquez
"When the when the PUP sees this lineup of candidates for the UDP in the eastern area, they look like sitting ducks. I mean, from a political perspective, you all have to be overjoyed."
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"I, I wouldn't say overjoyed. Just but it clearly demonstrates that there has been no sort of meaningful mediation within the opposition, United Democratic Party. Personally, If I were to objectively assess what has taken place within the UDP over the last few months, I would say that, Honorable Tracy might have jumped the gun."
"I think that what Shyne now recognizes within, his own party is that if he can eliminate the threats, meaning Tracy, meaning John Saldivar, Patrick Faber and not have them run on the UDP ticket, which I think is his objective, then he has a clear path to continue his leadership for 2030 because they cannot run if they're not UDP area representatives, they cannot run for leader."
"And so you have to look at what his objective is. So him gathering these no names, so to speak, is just filling vacancies, at this point I don't think he expects any of them to win. He just wants to win his seat so that he can continue to be leader."
Jules Vasquez
"Which he might also face a challenge from a man you know to be very formidable. Lee Mark Chang."
Kareem Musa, Minister of Home Affairs
"In Mesopotamia. Yes. And so they are really setting off each other. If Hot Mess were a party, I think the UDP would fill out that description quite adequately."