A life-sized statue of non violence icon Mahatma Gandhi was unveiled at the University of Belize on Friday. The statue was donated to the University by the The High Commission of India to Belize. The Prime Minister was also present at the unveiling, here are the highlights of the ceremony, detailing why they selected UB's campus to house the impressive statue.
Dr Pankaj Sharma, High Commissioner of India to Belize
"I express my heartfelt appreciation to the university of Belize for providing a home for the statue. This institution has a beacon of learning and enlightenment is a fitting place for the likeness of Mahatma Gandhi who held education in the highest regard. It will also be important to thank the Indian council for cultural relations for its generous gift of this impressive life like statue of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi once said live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever. This profound statement encapsulates his belief in the transformative power of education. Mahatma Gandhi viewed education as a means to develop character, instill moral values and empower individuals to contribute positively to society. The decision to install the statue at the university of Belize is therefore deeply symbolic. It serves as an inspiration to students and educators alike to pursue knowledge with humility and to uphold the principles of truth and non violence to dedicate themselves to the service of humanity and the upliftment of the society."
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"I don't think you could have found a better place to put it more than here at the university of Belize a center of learning where our young people come every day to learn and to be better citizens and to be better productive citizens and what better example can you get more than the Mahatma a man of extraordinary humility but a will of steel and firm of his beliefs in forming the country we now know as India for it to become an independent nation. There's a lot of similarities with the father of our nation George Price, both of them were extremely spiritual and both of them were very humble but both of them had this will of steel that cannot be bent once they have decided what is it that they want."
Dr. Vincent Palacio
"This unveiling of the Mahatma Gandhi statue is a ceremony and reflection of our values. Peace nonviolence and the transformative power of education. Hosting this statue on our campus, on the campus of our university is deeply fitting. This institution serves as a beacon of learning and a gathering place for exchanging ideas much like the ideals Gandhi champion. His vision of truth, harmony and equality resonates with the mission we strive to uphold here. To nurture critical thinking, compassion and leadership in our students."
Gandhi was an Indian leader who used nonviolent resistance to help India gain independence from British rule.