President Donald Trump was inaugurated on Monday and signed a slew of executive orders including temporarily suspending all U.S. foreign assistance programs for 90 days, pending reviews. Today the media asked the PM whether that will affect Belize. He explained that in terms of the MCC grant, that money is already guaranteed:
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"We do not get a lot of financial assistance from the United States, what we were awarded and signed was a compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, the MCC. The MCC is a private entity, it's not a government entity but it's an entity that's funded by the US government so when they signed a compact with us, that money has already been set aside so I believe we'll be fine that we'll still have access to that money. Now whether the MCC will get more funding for signing other compacts with other countries, I hope it could be worked out because I think MCC is doing a great job all over in different countries and we're excited to continue to work with them on education and energy."
"In an instance like this do you reach out to your government colleagues in the US to send congratulatory messages, perhaps to make requests for something like an ambassador to Belize?"
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Well we have already, from the time that President Trump was elected, we sent a letter of congratulations on his election. Even now, our ambassador was there and even Mayor Wally from San Pedro. But we wish them well, we wish them success. Whenever the United States is successful, we also benefit because more and more Americans come to visit Belize and to invest in Belize so we hope that President Trump can be successful."
Courtney Menzies:
"Should we be offended that we are now with a charge and not an ambassador?"
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Well that's for their country to decide, we've had charges before. I'm told that Bahamas from about 2012 did not have an ambassador and finally I think Hershel Walker, the football player has been nominated to be ambassador, so it's up to them, we hope that they put an ambassador and I'm sure that if the people that are close to Donald Trump could realize that hold on, there's an opening to come to Belize, they would love to come to Belize, whenever they come to Belize, they fall in love with Belize."
But what does the PM think of the other actions President Trump has threatened to take - such as reclaiming the Panama Canal? The PM called it "madness."
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"That's madness. that will not happen, I don't see the United States invading Panama to take over the canal. It's good politics, it sounds good for him to say but I don't think he'll go through with that and our support is 100% with Panama. Panama is a sovereign country and the canal belongs to Panama."
"He recently decided, at least made a suggestion that they would part ways from the World Health Organization, for you, what's your stance on that, Belize is a member."
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"He has already signed an executive order getting the United States out of WHO. I have no idea why he'd do such a thing. The World Health Organization, they do a lot of good in this world, especially in countries that need help when it comes to the health challenges and diseases and so forth. I don't know his reasoning, it doesn't make sense but again, they're a sovereign nation and they decide what they want. It's unfortunate, just like with the Paris agreement that he's already said he's going to sign out of, I mean if he can't see that climate change is upon us then he never will and it's shortsighted because now when you look at the record freezing that you have in the United States, the flooding, the hurricanes, especially when it hits in the Gulf of Mexico, and I stress Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, and New Orleans and that area, Louisiana, Texas and Florida, then I think again it's short term on them, it's unfortunate and then we, Belize, a small country like us pay the price."
Courtney Menzies:
"Should we worried because, you know, Trump, apart from wanting the Panama Canal, and climate change..."
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"...And Greenland and Canada."
Courtney Menzies:
"And all the deportations he is promising, should we be worried because the United States is one of the super powers of the world, what they do affects everyone else."
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Yes, we're always concerned and we're hoping that saner minds would prevail. But when it comes to Immigration, I've been very clear and I think Belizeans all agree, we're a sovereign nation and no one can force us to take people that are not our citizens. If we decide that we want to take them then that's on us but they can't just say, we're sending these people to you. Belizeans citizens, of course we welcome them, it's their home, I'm always telling everybody, my family members, that just remember you have citizenship but they still could kick you out from there but from here, we can't kick you out, this is home."