7 News Belize

Briceno Defamation Suit Dismissed, Shyne Will Apologize
posted (February 4, 2025)
A defamation lawsuit that started on Channel 7's Uncut has ended in a settlement.

In March of 2022, Shyne Barrow appeared on Uncut and made certain remarks about Prime Minister John Briceno. The PM - through the Courtenay Coye law firm proceeded with a defamation lawsuit against him. Almost three years later that suit has been dismissed and a settlement has been agreed to by attorneys for both parties.

The court order says that Barrow did not intend to defame the Prime Minister and gives an undertaking not to repeat certain allegations against him, "and apologizing to the Claimant for any embarrassment or hurt that his words may have caused..."

Once Barrow's undertaking and apology is accepted the Claim is dismissed; and each party is to bear their own costs.

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