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In political news, Belize is still waiting for the announcement of the next general elections, which the PrimeMinister has said will be in the first 6 months of the year. Whether it will be next month is still unclear.
But what is clear is that the general public isn't happy with the government. Between the BNTU protest rally scheduled for tomorrow, the firefighters' sickout, the stevedores' 21 day notice of industrial action, the car dealers temporarily blocking the northern border, and PSU and CWU demanding answers about Dr Almendarez's departure from SSB, the PUP is surrounded by little fires threatening to flare up. Yesterday the media asked senior minister Francis Fonseca whether elections should be called this early.
Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education
"I don't know about outing all these fires, but our government has over the last four years, we've had a very good working relationship with all the unions so we're engaged with the CWU on the port issue, on the stevedores. Mr Requena reported to Cabinet yesterday so I think there's a track to resolving that matter. In terms of the car dealers, I think a decision has already been made to put that on hold and so that is being worked out. I think with the firefighters, the minister responsible for the fire service reported to Cabinet again what engagements are taking place and what is being done. So yes every government, that's the work of government, everyday you have some fire you have to be putting out so we are absolutely confident that what the people of Belize see in this government is a competent government that is serious about addressing these issues so when they arise, we address them in a very clear decisive way. We dialogue, we do so respectfully and I think that's what's important and I think whenever elections are called, the Belizean people will recognize that, appreciate that, and reward us for the manner with which we conduct ourselves in government in terms of addressing all of these issues."
"Do you concede though that your colleague, Minister Andre Perez was very insensitive in his remarks given that cost of living is sky high, going up, all of that, whereas salaries for ministers really cannot compare to what firefighters and the lowest paid public officers are getting?"
Francis Fonseca, Minister of Education
"Yeah well, I didn't hear what he said. All I will say is that our government, and I can tell you this because we've discussed this in Cabinet, our government recognizes the critical important of the National Fire Service and we understand the firemen and women who work there are putting themselves at risk, it's a very difficult and challenging job and I'm absolutely confident that it will be resolved and it's certainly something we can look at in the new budget so see how we can address the issue of compensation for firefighters, very important service."