7 News Belize

Will The Future See An AI Dickie?
posted (February 6, 2025)
Untitled Document And, finally tonight, artificial intelligence, it's sweeping the world and being adopted across almost every sphere of human endeavor, from the corporate world, to education. On Monday, the press asked defense attorney Dickie Bradley if he sees it eventually playing a large role in the courts. He says, he hopes to himself be replaced by an AI droid:

Dickie Bradley, Defense Attorney
"So, like you see, I am here maybe like five years time you'll be talking to my robot. I don't know what name he would want. He or she. I'd prefer it to be a female AI but they will come and explain to you, and they can get up in the court to an AI judge or magistrate and put all the case in an hour and a half"

"So a new world is coming. They'll be able to say whatever you have in relation to prostate heart problem, lung problem, brain problem. It's a pity that we live in a society where nobody want to have knowledge. But a new world is coming up on us with these things."

"And you keep up with it. You personally?"

"Yes. Because I want to have an AI assistant so I don't have to come here and give no interview to the media. But certainly in the advanced societies they have already seen where in the medical field, the scientific field, in the legal field, the accounting field, the world will take over in terms of what AI will help us with."

It's not clear yet if AI Dickie will be allowed to call names.

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