7 News Belize

No Bail For Bethsa
posted (February 17, 2025)
And for that large sum, 34 year old Bethsa Ramirez was arraigned today in San Pedro, where she was represented by attorney Audrey Matura.

Ramirez was read a single charge of theft and no plea was taken. Despite theft being a bailable offense due, the magistrate denied Ramirez bail due to the flight risk that she may abscond and not return to trial due to the amount of money she is being accused of stealing. Matura maintains that her client is still innocent until proven guilty.

Audrey Marura, Attorney
"Well basically today was the arraignment and I have to remind people that you are innocent onto proven guilty. Allegations have been made and so she as anybody else against whom allegations have been made and have been a resident judge have the right to become to come before the court and to be arraigned."

So there was an arraignment just now for that. The case actually came about according to the brief information that we got from the police is they're claiming that between Miss Lisa Guerrero the owner of La Diamante is claiming that from 2019 to 2023 her employee which was just a counselor but whom she clearly wants to give the responsibility of an accountant she's claiming that this employee took money from her and she's claiming that there are checks that is made out to the employee that amounted to some sums more than checks but there's this overall discrepancy keeping with this according to my client definitely this happens in many workplaces too many times your employer says let me put a check in your name so you could cash it for me because I need cash to x y and z a lot of that happened but we need for the evidence to come out and we will know what actually transpired but it's one thing to say you have these charges against a person is another thing to prove it based on information we got from police there's not an audited financial statement and clearly my client will be able to clear up her name, but in the meantime of course it will be all over the place it might affect her job, we don't know, but it might affect her reputation but the thing is she's innocent onto proven guilty."

Ramirez was remanded to the Belize Central prison until April 23rd, but Matura has indicated that she will be applying to the high court for a special bail hearing.

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