7 News Belize

No Election Needed For Fort George And Pickstock
posted (February 24, 2025)
So how did this happen? Nominations begin at 10 in the morning and end at 4 in the later afternoon. And for the first time since its founding the UDP had no candidates in 4 divisions. Reports are that the standard bearers just basically ghosted their Leader Shyne Barrow and so the nominations closed with 2 uncontested constituencies, since Dangriga has an independent candidate and Toledo East has the PNP's Will Maheia.

Courtney Menzies was there at the Civic Center as the announcement was made in Belize City. Here is that story.

At 4:00 this evening, only 8 of Shyne Barrow's UDP candidates made it to the Civic Center for Nomination Day. Melvin Hewlett and Dean Samuels from Fort George and Pickstock were no-shows, allowing Henry Charles Usher and Anthony Mahler to be declared automatic winners - a historical default victory for them.

Minutes after 4, the two returned to the Civic Center to make it official. Both of them expressed that it was an unexpected phone call to receive:

Henry Charles Usher, Area Rep., Fort George
"As I said just now, it is an awesome feeling, it's a humbling feeling to know that the hopes, the ambitions, the dreams of so many people are represented by you, by an individual and that's why I never take it for granted."

"I wake up every single morning with that singular ambition to do my best for the people of Fort George, to represent them to the best of my ability and certainly I want to thank all those who supported me in this journey, support the nominees, support the persons who came out today and of course I have to big up the people of Fort George, I love them very much."

"You feel like it's a bit anti-climactic, I know you were gearing up for that fight."

Henry Charles Usher, Area Rep., Fort George
"Well, I believe that when you put in the work, it's about continuing, it's not only about election day, it's not only about a campaign, it's about working very hard and continuing to make sure that you do your best for the area."

"So, I will continue to do that, there's no stopping, it's not about letting up, it's about making sure we continue to do our best for Fort George."

"Do you feel like it's sad for democracy, though, in Belize that the next big mass party couldn't put up constituents in three divisions?"

Henry Charles Usher, Area Rep., Fort George
"I let you experts in the media answer that question. Right now, I'm just humbled, I'm appreciative, I'm very happy that I have been nominated and of course endorsed as a candidate, as the area representative for the Fort George division."

Anthony Mahler, Area Rep., Pickstock
"Anti-climax from this morning, right? But we're going to take it."

"What's it feeling like, though?"

Anthony Mahler, Area Rep., Pickstock
"Well, I mean, you always want to go into battle, but a win is a win is a win is a win, right? And so, I mean, the work continues from this afternoon in terms of how we can improve the lives of people in Pickstock."

"Well, we are neighbours, right? And so, Pistock street is in Fort George, but we work closely in Cabinet and as politicians and one of my closest friends in the Cabinet and in this business of politics."

"And so, I look forward to serving with him. I'm humbled by this opportunity again from the people of Pistock and I will continue to serve to the best of my ability."

And the returning officer for the Fort George Division explained the regulation in the Representation of the People's Act that allowed for what took place today:

Annisa Perdomo, Returning Officer, Fort George Division
"If it so happens that nobody comes between from all the parties that are nominated because on nomination day, we don't really know who all are coming to be nominated. So, from my area... Mr. Henry Usher was the only person that came to get nominated."

"We didn't have any opposing party from anyone else. I have declared it, so now I will go to Belmopan and hand in the writ along with the form 20."

"So is this unprecedented."

Annisa Perdomo, Returning Officer, Fort George Division
"Yes. This is the first time that I know of. I've worked many elections that I know of that a seat has been uncontested."

And, for clarity, both Toledo East and Dangriga will still have elections - since while there is no UDP candidate - there are independent candidates in both constituencies.

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