And we were told that some of Barrow's proposed candidates were MIA about an hour before the nominations closed. However, when we asked him about it, he deflected.
"Did all of your candidates, have all of them made it out so far? We were told by the Presiding Officer that some of your candidates haven't arrived as yet."
Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia
"Well, as I said, I'm a Mesopotamia candidate right now, so I can't give you those answers."
"Are you worried that some people might not make it? I don't think we saw Toledo East. I think Fort George was missing."
Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia
"Okay, I'm not aware, but as I said right now, I'm a Mesopotamia candidate."
Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia
"Aren't you worried, though, that they won't make it?"
Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia
"You keep asking me the same question."
"Because it's a serious question? You should be aware, sir, as the head."
Shyne Barrow, SB UDP Standard Bearer, Mesopotamia
"No, you want to, you want to distract me, and you want to take me away from my time."
"Right now, I just told you that as a, in a brief moment, I am the candidate for Mesopotamia. When I leave out of here, I will attend to business as the party leader. But for right now, I just walk from being nominated by my people, and that is where I'm at right now."
"I don't know what else is happening. As soon as I get out, I will check with you, and I will report back to you."
Leader Barrow sent us basically a doctor's note form Dean Samuels.