7 News Belize

Historic Church Needs $2 Million For Restoration
posted (February 27, 2025)
Untitled Document One week after last week's fire that gutted the historic 200 year old old Queen's Street Baptist Church - they have launched a fund to rebuild the church and repair the damages at the adjoining primary school.

The budget is 2.2 million dollars and Pastor Lloyd Stanford, told us today that the donations rebuild the church building and replace all that was lost inside. He told us more.

Lloyd Sandford, Pastor Queen St Baptist Since 1978
"Saturday morning 8:00 Saturday morning we had a team out here and some of the members and the City Council assisted us with some workers. So all day Saturday we did clean up and Sunday because we are working to get it cleaned up so that the school could be ready for Monday. It is still a challenge for that to happen so we are working at it."

"We had several meetings since Saturday the board of trustees met together and the topic of the day was the building and the replacing of the building and then we met the following day with all the members and we looked at the initial plans the thought of putting back the building is on top of it. Of course and we have a guide that is working on the draft of what that would look like and with an estimated approximately estimated cost of about 2.2 million that is what we are looking for and we have put in place a fundraising committee and with that committee there is a flyer out, I put a letter out myself and that is all over the place right now. And there are people who have already contributed and I want to say thank you to those who have contributed already and those who are making a pledge that they will because it will be all hands on deck to get it back together."

"And so what the building will not take, for instance we lost about 43 pews on the inside and all the instruments and so internal things will have to be replaced so that figure that we put out approximate will go a long way both with the building and prayerfully, hopefully the internal furnitures and so that is needed."

Pastor Stanford says that for now they will continue to hold church service and meetings in one of the school classrooms temporarily , and Sunday school will continue outside in the school yard. Those wishing to assist The school and church in rebuilding can make donations via Heritage Bank to their Building Fund, account number: 1-0-2-1-2-0-6-2.

Those wishing to contact Pastor Stanford can reach him at 610-1352 or Deacon Raymond Crown at 636-0163.

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