7 News Belize

Compol Does Not Deny Allegations of Narco-Active Northern Cops
posted (February 28, 2025)
And while a post mortem examination will have the final word on whether he was tortured - police don't need a handwriting expert to decode the message on the bed sheet. It was handwritten in a very legible text.

And the Commissioner didn't argue with the names of the police officers listed in there as "continuing to bring down drug planes".

Jules Vasquez
"The contents of the note itself and the officers it points to, including a relative of the deceased. What's your interpretation of that?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"And I know yesterday in your news you said that six police officers were named on the note, and that's not true."

"Only two police officers named are on that note, and the other persons are civilians. And again, I will echo what I normally echo to police officers. If you decide to lie in bed with dogs, you're going to catch their fleas."

"I say that to say, if you get yourself entangled with cartels, then you must suffer the consequences of it. You would know that recently we did a whole shuffle of the Northern Districts because we were getting information of some police officers being entangled in cartel issues."

"And we moved a lot of people from there. It looks like the time is coming again that we will have to look at reshuffling. As much as I'm not going to say that we'll provide protection to those officers who get themselves entangled, I don't think that it is going to serve in the best interests and the department's best interests to keep them in Corozal." v "The two officers who name were mentioned, only one works in Corozal, the other one works in the Cayo District. But again, we have to look to see what we can do to get some people out of the Northern Districts."

Jules Vasquez
"So you believe there is credence to what is written on that note about landing planes?"

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"I'm not going to hide nothing. The public is fully aware that we do have police officers. I have said it on numerous occasions. We have members of security forces who are in cahoots with these plane landers in landing planes. So if I say that, I don't know, I'll be lying and I'm not going to lie to the Belizean people."

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