7 News Belize

PM Misspoke On Affidavit, But Why?
posted (February 28, 2025)
In other PM related news, last week, we told you that the PM swore in an affidavit that he had never known a prime minister to announce the general elections inside the National Assembly.

In that story, we also showed you footage from 2003 where former PM Said Musa did just that, with Deputy PM Briceno sitting right beside him.

On Wednesday we asked Briceno if he simply didn't remember that moment - or if he misrepresented.

"Was it that you just did not recall that moment?"

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"It probably did. Probably did not recall. But you don't need to go to the National Assembly to dissolve the National Assembly. And that's the most important point."

"You can do that at any time. That is your constitutional right as the Prime Minister to dissolve the host wherever you feel it fits, see it fits. And I felt that when I had a discussion with my closest advisers in December, you, as you know, I've been under a lot of pressure since last year to call elections."

"And I said, no, I wanted to wait more. I wanted to wait at least coming to 2025. And also for some of the projects that we've been working to come into fruition. Here we are, and I felt that back then, just before Christmas, when at a meeting, we decided that this is the best time to be able to hold the elections on March 12."

"But to repeat, the Prime Minister has the right to call elections any time he or she may seem fit."

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