4 men have been detained for robbing a Western Diaries truck that was heading towards the Burrell Boom/Hattieville Road this afternoon at 3:30.
The group created a diversion and stopped the driver to purchase a bag of ideals, and that's when they held him and his worker at gunpoint and punched them repeatedly.
While this was occurring one of the men entered the truck and stole $4.737 dollars in different denominations, along with an Iphone belonging to the driver. The men then escaped in a white vehicle that was parked ahead of the truck. Thanks to a prompt police response the men were intercepted and apprehended at mile 4 on the George Price highway. They are well known to police. The good news is that the cash was retrieved. All 4 men were detained pending an investigation. But, there's a wrinkle to the happy ending, police found a cell phone belonging to one of the victims. When they opened it they saw a conversation between the victim and one of the accused. So he has also been detained.