7 News Belize

They Tried To Leap Frog The Court Of Appeal, But CCJ Stopped Enriquez And Ramlogan
posted (March 4, 2025)
Tonight, Jerry Enriquez's and his attorney Anand Ramlogan's weeks-long quest to block the general election has failed.

The first blow came on February 18th when the High court dismissed their case, and they then took an urgent application for an expedited appeal to the Court of Appeal yesterday. But, instead of an urgent hearing, the court stipulated a stately timeline for submissions in writing.

So, Ramlogan did an unprecedented thing: he tried to leapfrog the Court of Appeal and get the matter heard at the Caribbean Court of Justice. A daring move, but it was rejected today when the CCJ denied the application for special leave to appeal the timeline laid down yesterday by the Court of Appeal.

And, with a week to go before the election, there's nowhere else for them to turn, and no time to do it - the highest court in the land has slammed the final door shut.

Enriquez told us via zoom that they may have lost this fight, but the battle continues for electoral constituencies that are nearly equal:

Jerry Enriquez, Citizen Activist
"It was disappointing, but we're not defeated. It was almost like David fighting Goliath. You have like six attorneys on the government side facing one attorney and myself, but we are very committed and we know that we are doing something that is right."

"And our stance remains firm that all we're doing is to ensure that government abides by the constitution that they swear to uphold and to demonstrate that they are not above the law."

Jules Vasquez
"Is this the last straw? Was this the last attempt to try and block the election and now you all just have to accept that, well, we're going to the election with a malapportion list."

Jerry Enriquez, Citizen Activist
"Yes, we accept that we're going into an election that is unconstitutional, that is in violation of the constitution and that the political parties willingly are continuing in that process and in maintaining the status quo."

"It does not make it right, but it is happening. Well, the point is that we have broadened public awareness about the severe injustice and we want to ensure. So even though the state has promised before that this would have happened, but this time we will definitely hold them to task right throughout to ensure that they do not just make me the promise, but that they will keep this promise."

Jules Vasquez
"So we're going to election with a malapportion list about five to one, what will you do on election day?"

Jerry Enriquez, Citizen Activist
"I've maintained that I will not participate in a fraudulent election. I think the government of Belize is having innocent Belizeans participate in a process that is in clear violation of the constitution."

"And so in clear conscience and in the deepest of my heart, I really cannot participate in it."

Enriquez and Ramlogan have not decided if they will file an election petition against the results after the election is concluded.

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