7 News Belize

Tracy's First Move Is To Rebuild The Party
posted (March 14, 2025)
And now that she's been sworn in, Panton's next goal is to rebuild her divided party. While she has the support of all those who have been elected, she says there needs to be a meeting with all the members to discuss all that has transpired and forge the new path forward.

And as it relates to Shyne Barrow still referring to himself as the party leader - and maintaining control of the party headquarters? Well, she's not focused on that part today.

Tracy Panton, Leader of the Opposition
"That is yet to be determined, this is day one. We are running on fumes, I am running on fumes. It has been a long and very challenging journey. My faith in God and my children have kept me grounded and for that I'm grateful. The UDP has to rebuild, we have to reconcile, we have to heal, and he have to do that in short order. We are getting ready not to be the next government in 2023."

Courtney Menzies:
"What are the first steps that you take in order to rebuild the party? I know that Mr Patt has already thrown his support to you and Mr Guerra is here throwing his support so what are the next steps that have to happen?"

Tracy Panton, Leader of the Opposition
"Well we have to meet as a wider UDP family. I have been speaking to my colleagues individually but it is time for us to come together as a UDP family, do a proper postmortem of what has happened so that we can be guided as to what our next steps should be."

"Did Mr Patt give a reason for not being here?"

Tracy Panton, Leader of the Opposition
"Absolutely. I think he said publicly from yesterday, he supports me 100%. He had a medical emergency with his son. He was in Chetumal this morning, this came together in short order. He has written a letter to the governor general indicating his full support for me as the Leader of the Opposition so we have all hands on desk."

"What is the road to regaining control of the HQ. Mr Barrow maintains that he is the party leader even though he lost."

Tracy Panton, Leader of the Opposition
"That is a matter for my legal team to address and they will be addressing it within the next couple of days."

Courtney Menzies:
"But what do you make of his post that he made today calling himself the party leader still?"

Tracy Panton, Leader of the Opposition
"I did not see that post, I have been busy trying to deal with today to address this very historic moment, let me say it again, for women, for girls in this country, for Belizeans from the north to the south to the west, you have a Leader of the Opposition that is completely committed to preserving and promoting Belize's democracy. I have proven that over the last ten years, I am not going anywhere, I am resolute about that. And I think it's a big win for the people of this country."

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