7 News Belize

Favored Fonseca Asked To Keep Culture
posted (March 17, 2025)
And while the new ministers may have been surprised at their assignments, Francis Fonseca already knew what his would be. The PM announced, even before the elections, that he would retain Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade. And he naturally received Immigration as well, but he also held on to Culture. Briceno said that Fonseca requested to remain there.

John Briceno, Prime Minister
"From the time that he took over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the idea was that he would be the Minister of Foreign Trade and Immigration. At the time that we did the change, he was putting a lot of programs in place, reorganizing, restructuring the Ministry of Education so basically he want to finish that off and the idea was at the end of the previous term that then he would give up that part and he would just concentrate on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Immigration. Because of that decision then I had to take on the Ministry of Immigration, I mean I already have a lot of work so I passed that on to him but he made a request that again in the Ministry of Culture, you guys have been following it, a lot of exciting things have been taking place and he wanted to continue that work so we passed on the Ministry of Culture to him."

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