7 News Belize

Organizers And Town Council Clash Over Cacao Festival
posted (March 18, 2025)
Yesterday the Toledo Chapter of the BTIA issued a release saying that this year's Chocolate Festival - a marquee tourist event for the deep south - would be cancelled. They blamed the issue on the town council, stating that they are attempting to co-opt the festival's brand.

That's because the town council is hosting a concert for the Chocolate Fest, except it has nothing to do with the festival or BTIA. In fact, according to the president, Robert Pennell it would only hurt the event. The festival lasts 3 days - the first night is a gala where tickets are sold. This event then funds the other two days. However, Pennell explained that hosting two major events in PG cannot benefit both, and the festival would suffer.

But while they had initially planned to cancel it, Pennell told us today that their area rep., Dr Osmond Martinez, has reached out to organize a meeting between both parties, which is slated for tomorrow. We'll keep following this story.

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