7 News Belize

Media Get Half Day Investigative Training
posted (March 18, 2025)
The media spent a half day today at an investigative journalism training hosted by the Global Financial Integrity Fellowship Program and the Belize network of NGO's.

As a journalist turned conservation NGO leader, Chanona says its important skills and network building:

Janelle Chanona, Senator for NGO's
"As a former journalist I can tell you that these types of refresher trainings, new material training and certainly motivation and inspiration for the type of tools now available to do the work that I think the public wants, needs, deserves to be done is always - and that's why I commit the time - is always something I think is hugely beneficial to everyone, the media is such a source of information by a social media, print however you get your info. and I think it is really important that journalism, investigative journalism is happening because we see every time that happens it gives us great insight into what the current situations we are dealing with and more importantly opportunities to make sure we can learn and grow from that or strengthen and make sure we get done what needs to get done."

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