In other news, the women of the Eastern Division police gave back to their communities today to honor women's month. This afternoon we met the Inspector of Police Hortence Hernandez who was leading a team of officers on Armadillo street, cleaning and fixing the community park and basketball court. Hernandez says they are not the only ones participating in acts of service today, and there are also other officers out giving back to their communities in other ways.
Hortence Hernandez, Inspector of Police, PR BPD
"Well it's not just out here in collaboration with women's month the women of Easton police division decided that today we would give back to the community so we had women in San Pedro, Caye caulker, all the four divisions all four precincts across eastern division, either beautifying a park or giving out a warm plate of food to the homeless on the streets of Belize City."
"It's an event only for today so whatever we set out to do must be completed today. We have bout 15 officers and I also have about 3 guys from LIU who came along and they are cutting the grass for us."
"So it's not for glorification its to say we are here and we are making an impact on the community to so the Belize police department may not be doing a gala but we have a symposium across the country we have four symposium where we will be educating, empowering and enlightening females so our thing is to get in tune with ourselves and appreciate who we are and make strides that we can be felt in the workplace across the country."