7 News Belize

There Will Be A New Commissioner Of Police, Dr Richard Rosado
posted (March 20, 2025)
Untitled Document He's had a historic run in the chair of the top cop and now Commissioner of Police Chester Williams is getting ready to move up to the CEO caucus. And who's gonna take his place atop the government's biggest department? Well, that would be Deputy Commissioner, Dr Richard Rosado.

Minister of Home Affairs Kareem Musa today confirmed that once Compol Williams agrees to move over to CEO, it is the intention for Rosado to replace him.

As we reported last night, Commissioner Williams has been offered the post of CEO in the Ministry of Transportation, Constitution and Religious Affairs, and Indigenous Affairs. And while it is a promotion

In the governmental hierarchy, it's also an exit package - since government, it seems, has already decided that there will be a new commissioner. So, indications are that Williams will take it - with just the timing and other details such as years of continuous service to be fine tuned.

Neither Williams nor Rosado would comment today.

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