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The Chocolate Festival is back on after it was suddenly canceled on Monday. As we reported, the issue stemmed from the town council co-opting the festival's brand and planning a concert for the same weekend. The BTIA felt the small town wouldn't be able to host two successful major events in one weekend and decided to cancel the festival.
However, they held a meeting yesterday with the area rep, Dr Osmond Martinez, and the mayor, Carlos Galvez and decided that both events could move forward on the weekend of May 16th. The festival is 3 days and the concert itself is on May 17th. Dr Martinez has pledged to mitigate any risks that the festival might have faced since, as we told you, the gala funds the rest of the weekend's activities. It's not clear what "mitigate" means in this context - but in political speak that usually amounts to donating some money to offset any losses.
A press release from the BTIA says the Chocolate Festival, quote, "remains a significant attraction for the region, promoting sustainable tourism and economic growth. Despite the competing concert, organizers say they are committed to delivering an authentic and unforgettable experience for attendees." End quote.