7 News Belize

Preschoolers Play At Festival Of Arts Opening
posted (March 20, 2025)
Untitled Document And, from conservation to kids getting their first taste of the limelight, the pre-schoolers Festival of the Arts started today at the Bliss Center.

They started strong, dancing, reciting with hand movements and vocalizations they have been practicing for weeks.

Today schools from rural Belize for their turn to showcase their talents. Here are highlights:

Kim Vasquez, Director, ICA
"Today is the opening of the preschool festival of arts and it Is starting with the Belize district festival of arts but it is also the opening of the entire season for 2025 for the festival of arts and so this is a time of excitement for us it is my favourite time and we are just here in support of the Belize district education centre this is Belize rural happening here simultaneously out in San Pedro as well its underway already and then tomorrow we will be back for the city schools and then it takes off from there, Toledo, on Monday and there after that Stann creek and then they go west and then up north and then we are straight into the secondary festival of arts at the ending of the month taking a couple weeks break and then continuing with primary in April and then we expect to be back here of course for the exciting golden showcase at the end of the month of May".

"Its so important as I just said in there that it starts right here with the preschool festival of arts. This is the nursing and the fun and enjoying introduction to the arts that we want for the young students and we want to see this continue and we want them to have the support and the recognition even with this young age we know that along with their teachers they have put in the work and the preparation and they are passionate and they are so vibrant and creative when you see them on stage you can't help but get cold seed and so it is really important that we have this national platform for all our children from preschool all the way up until secondary and beyond because this is the festival of arts and it is the garden, the grounds where the institute of creative arts can see the talent emerging and we need to be able to identify that talent and to give it support."

Sebastian Cab, Principal Education Officer
"The theme remains the same for the month of march, small steps big skills lacking early potential that is the theme throughout the entire month. Again the festival of arts for the students and for the preschoolers commences today and that includes 4 categories, music, dance, drama and arts and craft so they will display their crafts out here but what is happening here is different performances you will hear poetry you will hear singing and dancing and that is being adjudicated by the adjudicators there so those are the performing arts the three categories that will be happening there this morning."

"Its self expression and this is an opportunity for kids to express themselves and its about celebrating culture its about celebrating the heritage and this in itself is really like what the theme says unlocking early potential so the talent that we have this is what we want to harness from our students and our teachers and parents have worked so hard to prepare them so we are very grateful for that so this is the culmination of that an opportunity to showcase their skills and their talents in the performing arts."

The festival continues tomorrow.

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