And two priority areas for the ministry led by Sabido and Bernard are access to health services through cell phones, and mental health.
Here's his discussion of mental health - which is a growing social problem - with an alarming number of public safety endangerments caused by persons experiencing acute psychosis:
Kevin Bernard, Minister of Health and Wellness
"Mental health is a key factor in this new government term in this ministry. In fact Dr Diaz yesterday spoke about the priority and the re-establishment and looking at the new mental health police and strengthening that policy because it's critical. We have to address mental health issues in this country. There are several things that we are working on in terms of - not just to focus on the institutionalization - but to look at the programs and activities that we are able to, that we need to do. We have to ensure that the wellness side of our ministry starts to become more active."
"Because mental health is not just the notion of people being, as you would say, belongs in a home. But many of us walk around this country and you might never know what's affecting him or her. And so we have to make it that people have access to seek attention, to seek services. And that's what we're going to do in this ministry to ensure that mental health remains the focal point in our agenda."