7 News Belize

Chester Says New Ministry Will Harness All His Skills
posted (March 24, 2025)
And while the Compol is adept at self-congratulation - he's going to a Ministry of Constitution and Religious Affairs, Indigenous Affairs, and Transportation - where there wasn't even a full-time CEO - another was covering in the absence of one.

But, the compol is confident his skillset will be put to good use:

Jules Vasquez
"The new area where you are rumored that you will be, it requires multiple specializations. Is that something that you take as a challenge? Because it requires a lot of legal specialization as well."

Chester Williams, Commissioner of Police
"Well, the fact that I am a trained attorney, I that should be able to help me with some of the legal issues with the Constitution and, the indigenous peoples of your, are concerned. Those two certainly have a lot of legal implications. So, my legal skills will be able to help the ministry there. As it relates to traffic, police officers, we do traffic work as well. So I have a vast knowledge, in the field of traffic, that I also believe will be able to help the ministry, if I should go there."

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