And for sure Belize will need optimal diplomatic representation in Washington where it seems that every day there are new policy directives and executive orders shaping US foreign policy.
One of the first on January 20th was to halt all funding through the US State Department and USAID. This has also led to a halt in payments from the Millennium Challenge Corporation, known as MCC which had awarded Belize a grant for 125 million US dollars.
The Prime Minister today contradicted an earlier statement he had made and confirmed that it is suspended, temporarily at least:
John Briceno, Prime Minister
"Well, everything is on pause, remember the U.S. government put all of that on pause, and they're reviewing it. USAID is a big one that was on TV worldwide, and so MCC is just one of them. And it is on pause for the time being."
"When we speak with the officials, the Americans here at the U.S. Embassy, they're saying that they are very hopeful that it will proceed, and so do I. I do believe that they will proceed with it once the dust settles down."