They were accused of brutally stabbing a man to death in Guinea Grass Village
over four years ago but this evening it took a jury less than one hour to acquit
them. Around 6 pm brothers Ricardo and David Westby along with Remijio Canul
walked down the steps of the Supreme Court in Belize City free men. The three
were charged with manslaughter for the October 2001 death of Martin Adolphus.
Adolphus was stabbed multiple times with the fatal jab hitting his mid-section.
All three gave un-sworn statements from the dock saying they had nothing to
do with the murder. They came out of court a short while ago and Ricardo Westby
and Remijio Canul told Keith Swift they feel vindicated.
Ricardo Westby, Acquitted
"I feel great right but first of all I just want to thank the Almighty
Father for me to get my freedom back."
Keith Swift,
So you had nothing to do with the death of Mr. Adolphus?
Ricardo Westby,
"No, I was wrongly accused."
Remijio Canul, Acquitted
"I am Remijio Canul. I was surprised after so many years of being a
free man, and then they came back and charged me so I wanted to know what was
the evidence against me because according to the prosecutor they didn't produce
any evidence against me."
Keith Swift,
So who killed Martin?
Remijio Canul,
"Well I cannot say but he was very drunk so he probably injured his
own self so."
Keith Swift,
You're a free man now, what are you going to do?
Remijio Canul,
"The first thing is thank the Good Lord that I am free but after tomorrow
I think I will get back to normal; go back to work and thank you very much."
The Westby brothers were defended by Richard "Dickie" Bradley
while Canul was defended by Senior Counsel Ellis Arnold. Justice John Troadio
Gonzalez was the presiding judge.