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Cal Called Home from Guatemala for Diplomatic "SNAFU"
posted (August 8, 2002)
There's more than a wrinkle in Belize - Guatemala relations this week as Belize's Ambassador to Guatemala, Moises Cal has been recalled for consultation. To the layperson's ear "recalled for consultation" may not sound like much - but in diplomatic circles it's a very big deal. CEO in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, David Gibson said he did not want to make too much out of it, but he did confirm that Cal is in Belize. Through independent sources, 7 News has confirmed that Cal was hastily called home by the Foreign Affairs Ministry on Monday to defuse mounting diplomatic tensions - after an unspecified - but definitely unfavourable - diplomatic event. While there are no specifics on this, we are told that Belize's most senior ambassador, Lisa Shoman, will be sent from her post in Washington and deployed to Guatemala City immediately to pacify tensions. Cal will continue to serve as ambassador nominally, while Shoman has been named special envoy. Cal, it appears, will be kept in Belize to cool his heels until the memory of the recent misadventure fades.
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