While many Belizeans enjoy the wide availability of cheap premium cable, inexpensive
copies of first release dvd's and cd's, and knock off's of name brand clothing,
the party may soon be over because a new report says Uncle Sam is watching and
he's not happy. It's a called a Special 301report released by U.S. Trade
Representative Rob Portman and it reports that 13 countries, including Belize,
feature on the priority list of those most guilty of ripping off us intellectual
property rights.
In addition to Belize, the 12 other countries on this year's list are Argentina,
Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Lebanon, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine
and Venezuela. The report released cites China and Russia as main pirateers
of intellectual property rights. The annual survey identified 48 countries among
U.S. trading partners that are deficient in intellectual property rights protection
and enforcement. The other 11 countries on the priority watch list are Argentina,
Belize, Brazil, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, Ukraine and
The report refers to ineffective enforcement of intellectual property rights,
commercial-scale piracy of CDs, DVDs and CD-Roms, and counterfeiting of consumer