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DPP Kirk Anderson Heading for the Exit?
posted (October 12, 2006)
The Leader of the Opposition called for his removal...the Bar Association told the Prime Minister he had to go and now, with the forces aligned against him, DPP Kirk Anderson has reportedly agreed to resign his post. We were unable to confirm this with government higher ups but senior sources tell us that negotiations were entered into and Anderson of his own will agreed to resign. He will reportedly leave office at the end of the year.

Anderson came under fire in August when he attempted to return 400 files to the Police Department. He took the brash decision after police refused to follow his office's instructions on two cases, one of them the case of Ben Abou-Nehra accused of killing Shawn Copius.

The terms of his departure are not known at this point, but as a tenured appointment, Anderson would have served in the post until retirement.

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