Creole, it's the one thing all Belizeans seem to have in common.
We all talk it, but none of us can write it. That's because it's
not a written language - but it is now. And if you can spell dikshineri,
you can learn it. That's because the new Kriol-English dictionary has
been launched. It took ten years, countless man and woman hours, and numerous
meetings of minds but the Kriol language now has its own dictionary. It was
launched this morning at the House of Culture - a day which Kriol activists
call historic. 7NEWS was there.
Myrna Manzanares, President - Belize Kriol Kouncil
"Like I said, history di mek."
And that history was celebrated in grand style this morning as the Governor
General and Minister of Education spoke - while Brukdong's king
and queen performed at the launch for this book: the first full English-Kriol
Dictionary - or as it says in Kriol: "the Kriol Inglish Dikshineri."
Myrna Manzanares, President - Belize Kriol Kouncil
"The dictionary tek over ten years to, ten years the work, struggle
through when people tek yuh mek papisho and guess what papisho is in the dictionary."
You can find papisho and about 6,000 other Kriol words in the dictionary along
with definitions and English translations. A team took ten years to write and
edit the more than 470 pages. Secretary of the Kriol Kouncil Sylvana Woods says
this is the definitive publication of the Kriol language.
Sylvana Woods, Secretary - Belize Kriol Council
"You got the part of speech, you got the different tenses of the words, you have 470 odd pages, you have samples sentences in Kriol, the translation
into English, some drama notes. This pulls together a lot of which is happening
in the region with modern town literacy. When you have a dictionary, instead
of one person spelling it 'weh' and somebody else spell it 'whe'
and somebody else goes 'we' - you have the Oxford or the Webster
of Belize so that serves to unify us more because no matter what is our first
language, dah Belize most of us will still talk Kriol anyway. So we are saying
we need English but we don't have to stomp out this language of our heart
to get to that English."
Sylvana Woods and Myrna Manzanares - the President of the Kriol Council
says the number one purpose of the dictionary will be to preserve the language
of an endangered culture.
Sylvana Woods,
"Memba when George McKesey used to talk about wretch the riva bank.
A lot of that done lost so we have that in here as archaic, wretch the bank
or how rural talk as opposed to urban talk and your language is your culture.
Kenneth Hayle one of the greatest socio-linguist in the world dead in 2001 and
Newsweek did an obituary and he said when you lose a language, it is like you
are dropping a bomb on a museum. Ih seh when you lose a language, you are losing
the heart of thought of people."
Myrna Manzanares,
"The important thing is to make everybody understand and to make the
children understand that this is a language, this is our language, we are proud
of it, we are proud of our culture... we don't have to teach them
Kriol because they already know it."
But do students really know Kriol? To find out, this morning I flipped through
the dictionary with students from a standard 5 class at St. Ignatius Primary
[Students Trying To Understand What Words Mean]
Keith Swift,
I was flipping through the book with some students from St. Ignatius and I was
asking them some of the words and many of them didn't know the words.
What does that tell you?
Sylvana Woods,
"That tells you why this dictionary was needed."
It's needed but will it be used? Chief Education Officer Maud Hyde and
General Manager of Anglican Schools Carol Babb say yes it will.
Keith Swift,
Will this have a place in the classroom?
Maud Hyde, Chief Education Officer
"It certainly will because it is part of education, it is part of
the learning experience and I think it will be a wonderful tool for teachers
to be able to show students the words they are pronouncing, the difference between
the English word, the Kriol word and I think it will give a realistic picture
to children of the language they are speaking."
Carol Babb, General Manager - Anglican Schools
"I believe it will have a place Keith just like any other first language.
We have to teach children that this is how you say it in Kriol and this is how
you say it in English. So it will have a place so the children can learn how
to translate from one language to the other and as Sylvana or one of them said,
we need to let the children know that Kriol is part of their culture. This is
something that they should not be ashamed up. They should be proud of who they
are and Kriol is a part of them so it will have a place."
Keith Swift,
So for you this dictionary is a good thing?
Carol Babb,
"It is a good thing and we are going to use it."
The dictionary is available widely in bookstores and at all libraries.
Each school have also received copies of the dictionary.