On Friday when Prime Minister Dean Barrow announced that the Financial Intelligence
Unit would no longer be pursuing close to 200 money laundering charges against
the Belize Bank and First Caribbean International Bank, he simply said that
the concession was made to give the banking system some comfort. But this morning
when the PM called into the Krem WUB morning show, he made it clear that this
is about more than comfort, it’s a matter of operational necessity.
The Prime Minister said that the Governor of the Central Bank had received
a call from a senior executive at the Bank of New York warning that if the money
laundering prosecution persists, his group may be forced to review their correspondent
bank relationship with the Belize Bank. That would put the Belize Bank’s
operations in Belize in some jeopardy because the correspondent bank is the
one that accepts the deposits of its respondent bank and the relationship is
critical to the stability of the respondent – in this case, the Belize